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Admiral Harte
Character from Aubrey-maturin Novels
Titles, Ranks Rear Admiral
Ships crewed or captained HMS Sophie, and others
Afictation England, Royal Navy
First Apperience Master and Commander

Admiral Harte was an english Naval officer, described a little man, 'somewhat resembling Lord St. Vincent'.

Harte was a Post Captain and senior captain at Port Mahon, and the officer to give the young Jack Aubrey his first command, HMS Sophie. Harte strongly resents Jack, however, as Jack is having an afair with his wife, Molly Harte. A bitter man with a bad tempermant, Harte makes sure that the Sophies can not be properly rewarded for the capture of a heavy spanish frigate.

Later, Harte was promoted to Rear Admiral and commanded the squadron based at the Downs in the English channel. There, he proved a continual thorn in Jack Aubrey’s side while Aubrey commanded the sloop HMS Polychrest. Hoping to profit from "Lucky" Jack Aubrey's success in capturing prizes, Harte is disappointed when Aubrey's cruises prove to be unproductive in due to the abysmal sailing characteristics of the Polychrest.

At last, he orders Aubrey and his sloop on a nearly suicidal attack on the French port of Chaulieu. Harte later became a member of the Admiralty Board where he does his best to act against Aubrey’s interests. Jack serves under Harte once again when he is Rear Admiral of the blockading fleet in the mediterranean.

Harte had one daughter, Fanny, who later marries William Babbington. Harte is killed when his ship is destroyed in battle.
